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A Sincere Thank You To Our Health Care Heroes

A Sincere Thank You To Our Health Care Heroes

Thank you Healthcare heroes

COVID-19 hit us hard, and brought with it a wave of uncertainty and volatility into our lives. It affected us in ways that we wouldn’t have imagined possible just a few months ago.  However, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, clinicians, EMT’s, paramedics and members of the health care industry bravely stood up to the fight.  They’ve worked tirelessly to help us while knowing full well the dangers of the constantly changing situation.

It’s unfortunate that even though it’s been several months into the COVID-19 situation, yet the shortage of Personal Protective Equipment throughout our country still persists. Every day, our Health Care Heroes may not have the equipment they should to protect themselves as they continue to save lives.  Therefore, as a small token of gratitude for their efforts, we’ve allocated and donated a total of 1 million face masks to our local hospitals that are still in dire need of them. We feel honored to be able to contribute to the safety of these unsung heroes. We at tableclothsfactory would like to offer our heartfelt thanks to all the healthcare professionals doing their best to keep our communities safe and sound.  

Throughout this worrisome time, we hope that everybody out there is doing their very best to keep the bug at bay and following guideline to stay healthy.  Let’s beat this together so we can get back to doing what we all do best…partying, celebrating, and living our best lives! Please be safe out there!

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