Bucaneer Side Chair Sash

Sashes are an interesting way to add some quick color and design to some otherwise bland and boring chairs. Often, these sashes are tied into a bow directly in back of the seat of the chair. As beautiful as it look, there has to be some sort of variety when tying chair sashes, right? As with many other things in the decorating world, of course there is! Today, we bring to you what we call the Buccaneer Side Sash for Chiavari Chairs! Reminiscent of pirates from olden days, this sash is simpler to tie than the standard bow (which is a godsend if you have to tie hundreds of them) and just as fantastic and easy to embellish.
Step 1:
Divide the sash in half and wrap around one side of the chair. Pull and string one of the sashes in the hole between the last two pegs of the back of the Chiavari Chair.
Step 2:
String the other end of the sash through the same hole. When you tug on the ends of the sash, they should be crossing each other through the hole.
Step 3:
Tie your knot! You can choose to tie a bow from here or just leave it hanging as is. Flowers and embellishments can be added onto this point, but it looks excellent the way it is.
Since the bow can go either way, this way of tying sashes is also perfect for chairs facing the aisles for wedding ceremonies or other special events. Try them out for your next celebration!