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Planning a Spring Solstice Party? 3 Things to Remember

Planning a Spring Solstice Party? 3 Things to Remember

The Spring Solstice is nearly here! March 20th is when we know to put the socks in the drawers, and pull out your shorts and skirts! It’s also a beautiful time to relax with a spring solstice party.

Keep these three facts in mind when planning your spring solstice inspired party!

  1. Spring is all about fresh starts, so why have a party just like every other time of the year when you can try something new. Instead of getting a typical DJ, get a dance instructor to come out and teach you all a new country step. Or for bachelorette parties, have a belly dancer or yoga instructor come teach a few tricks.
  2. On this day you’re getting exactly 12 hours of darkness and 12 hours of sunlight. After this point say goodbye to early dusks, and hello to brighter mornings. While you still can, hold a candlelit party, with candle ring centerpieces topping spring colored tablecloths, planned for 7:15 right before dusk will begin!
  3. Traditionally a spring solstice had meant for a lot of crazy happenings, and while your party may not be ready for a wild and crazy feast, you can hold a huge pot luck to stuff everyone’s bellies. Instead of a giant fire, break out the grills or make a campfire to roast and toast over.

No time between planning other parties to have your own summer solstice party? Find out if there are any flower festivals, garden tours or summer solstice parties being held to go to.

Table-Typer: Which Type of Tablecloths User are You? Master the Classic Three Point Fold in Three Easy Steps