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Table-Typer: Which Type of Tablecloths User are You?

Table-Typer: Which Type of Tablecloths User are You?

Sleek, shiny, crinkled or embroidered there are loads of tablecloths and table runners styles to choose from. When you are keeping an eye on the best trends for not just weddings, but anniversaries, birthdays, and events you start to see that it’s clear that some of our tablecloths buyers fall into clear categories. Answer these simple questions to see where you fall on our tablecloths category list.

Are you a reuser, rewasher, a hand-me downer?

You’re always looking to save a penny, whether it’s by filling your own favor boxes, catering parts of the wedding yourself, or just making sure that not a thing goes to waste, then we know you have your eye on the most durable, reusable tablecloths. You’ll be the one checking for scratches and making sure that each tablecloth is cleaned for the next big event.

Is it all about flashy, fun and looking great?

The entire event is focused on that one day to you, so it’s all perfect colors and crinkle organza. All matching, all perfect, there are no if’s or but’s about it. Whether you’re the one about to walk down the aisle or just help plan the 50th anniversary to remember, it really will be a singular event with every detail and every tablecloth perfectly matched down to the embroidered table runners.

So what type are you?

  • If you were more on target with the first set of questions, you’re a tablecloths repeater. Durable, polyester tablecloths for the caterer minded individual that you are.
  • If you said yes to more of the last, you’re a trendy tabler. Keep all details perfect and down to a T with every tablecloth, table napkin and chair cover on your big day.

Those were just two of our table types. Keep reading next week for more types!

occasion-wedding type-table ideas
Cute Color Combos from Table Runners to Table Centerpieces Planning a Spring Solstice Party? 3 Things to Remember